Friday, March 5, 2010

Mods For DJ Magic Marco... Pt. 2

Mod 1: Dual Mod XBOX 360 TE
Parts Required:
1 x Unassembled ChImp Kit
Random Accessories

Same ChImp dual mod set up as usual, this one was for Magic Marco's brother, CannonSpook who plays a helluva Cammy.

Autodetection by ChImp for switchless selection of the system.

Mod 2: PS3 TE to Xbox360/PS3/PSx Tri-Mod
Parts Required:
1 x Madcatz Xbox360 Fightpad
1 x PS1 Dual Shock controller
1 x Imp Kit
2 x European style barrier strips
Random accessories, including lots of zip ties...

Okay, so this was definitely a first for me...and let me tell you, trying to cram 3 circuit boards together is no easy task. The idea behind it is incredibly simple, but the execution is just murder. I chose to use barrier strips because I didn't feel like piggy-backing the solder joints, and in hindsight...that may have been the more difficult way to go.

By this time I've developed my soldering skills to a very good level, however...the wire I choose to use is pretty small (26 to 28 gauge, 24 for USB power/data lines... all stranded). That size of wire doesn't really play well with the european style of blocks, since they utilize a screw down mechanic. I found it was easy to screw "too much" and either snip the end of the wire off...or just have a lot of trouble trying to cram 2 of them into 1 spot in general.

I think that the terminal blocks were probably the most difficult part of this for me, since the inclusion of a third pad was required, I needed to find a way to fit everything together nicely. The problem is that I tend to be OCD about wire control, so it takes me HOURS to get things situated to a point where I like them. However, the terminal blocks do make it so that if the PSx pad ever fails due to voltage differences, it's VERY easy to swap it out for another one.

Another thing of note is that I was hoping to make it so that the PSx cable could be "inserted" into the case itself, so that everything would be contained within the TE shell. However, I found that it just wasn't going to work, because there's a lot of cable to cram in there, and way too much chance to accidentally snag something important trying to extend the cable.

Features: Switching via the LS/DP/RS switch.
LS/DP = PS3 mode
RS = 360 Mode
PSx will work with either mod selected.
PSx PCB is ANALOG, so converters for GC/DC will work perfectly (tested it on TvC, works great).

New Motto: Zip ties and wire are cheap, my sanity isn't.

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